Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Apple Store Images

Each image is posted with the original electronic version, and is followed by a scanned version of the image with written comments from the final 'crit'. My remarks/rebuttal are included on these images, but also in the text of the blog.

:I was really trying to not dilute one of my initial drawings
While it isn’t exactly the same... there is a resemblance
between these 2 drawings. That was what I was aiming for.
To do that really required enclosed space on the ground floor.

:I know my apple looks like a sphere. I intended
the sphere to be an apple... i guess I thought if
I called it an apple enough people would use thier
imagination, and see an apple instead of a sphere.
OOPS!!!! The apple really started to become a sphere
when I was attempting to model it physically. After I got
away from the physical model I should’ve done a
better job of modeling an apple instead of a sphere.

:I made the majority of the first floor solid to
force the experience upward into the apple. I also wanted
to keep the city out of the store on the first floor. Upon entry
the most important thing is apple. If the first floor walls
were glass the city would start to seep in.

:I was feeling a little like
james in the giant peach as
I was working on this.

:I should’ve ‘pasted’ pictures of the
surrounding buildings to help this.

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:I thought it was important to narrate some of my ideas
to get the point across. I was under the impression that
we weren’t going to be presenting the work.

:I know the entry is weak from the exterior
I was concentrating on the entry as a moment
from the interior. The exterior didn’t really get
much attention.

:There are several comments regarding the necessity of the glass box enclosure.
I think there are several important things happening with the glass box.
Most important is the experience upon entry. Without the box the first floor would need a roof.
This would eliminate the unobstructed view of the apple in that first moment. Additionally the
box creates an interesting ‘negative space’ between the apple and the box. Finally if the box
was gone the exterior envelope would be the edge of the apple, which would keep people from
experiencing the apple from within the slices, and they would just become a round room.

:I agree one of the weaknesses of this project is that the ‘apple’
looked too much like a sphere.. because it is a sphere. Even
though the intent was to have it be the apple.

:I believe the apple is the icon. The apple shaped
windows on the ground floor provide enough interest at
that level. When you see this apple you already know
what is inside.

:For this particular exercise it was important to control
the moment of entry, and what was seen at that moment.
The location of the entry is extremly intentional, even though
it was very understated.

:The closed box is the edge that controls the view from Copley square.
It also contains the vertical shafts, stairs, elevators etc.

:It is ok to me that this might look like a library
rather than a store room. I think that helps get
my point across. The apple boxes are attractive
enough to display.

:I’ll look into that thanks. I love this view.... I wish I would’ve had a little more time to investigate it.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

I am curious to read your comments on other people's comments. So I can make comments.